Mi Sun Kim
Mi Sun has found that LFA’s online classes have cured her nervousness. She can take more time to think about and formulate her responses.

Stephanie West
Stephanie pushed herself through classwork with determination. As she performed far better on her tests than she ever expected, she began realizing, “they were right; I am smart!”

Parika Bavari
She finds that online classes have helped her balance her studies and family life. Without having to commute to class, she can spend more time on homework and working with her teacher.

Nazia Rahy
“I feel ready to take the written driver’s license test, now that I can read and write.”

Sophia Yang
Utilizing LFA’s tutoring and ESL classes, Sophia is now an advanced ESL student who can read young adult books. Now with the skills she needs, Sophia plans on attending college to further her education.