From “Yes” and “No” to Fluent English
Sophia Yang
With an energy like no other, Sophia possesses an exuberant smile and a talkative personality. That wasn’t always the case, though. Originally from South Korea and not knowing any English aside from ‘yes’ and ‘no,’ Sophia came to the United States in 1982. Despite her struggles with reading and writing in English, Sophia sacrificed her ESL education to work to support her family and herself. Sophia managed to self-teach herself by listening to English words. However, she knew that she needed a stronger foundation.
When her friend Ping, another student at Learning For ALL, introduced Sophia to LFA, she knew that this would be an excellent opportunity to learn English from step one. Utilizing LFA’s tutoring and ESL classes, Sophia is now an advanced ESL student who can read young adult books. Now with the skills she needs, Sophia plans on attending college to further her education.